New! A Clickable PDF with quick resources just for Law Students!
Are You Healthy and Happy
Are You Just Treading Water?
Law School tests you in many ways:
- The challenging workload
- A competitive atmosphere
- Mounting financial concerns
- Fear of failure and/or fear of success
- The job search and career path
Ever find yourself:
- Concerned about the Character and Fitness part of your bar application?
- Too tired or stressed to keep up?
- With sleep or concentration problems?
- Using stimulants to study?
- Seeking a healthy balance?
You are not alone, we can help. We are here for law students.
We Can:
- Connect you with one of our skilled staff to talk about your unique concerns.
- Provide guidance about the Character & Fitness portion of your Bar Application.
- Support and encourage your healthy coping skills and problem solving techniques.
- Offer information on community resources and local support groups.
- Listen.
You are invited to contact us at: [email protected] or by calling 800-246-5527
Your confidentiality is assured by NJ Supreme Court Rule 1:28B-3 as well as Federal Regulation 42 CFR – Part 2
Articles and Links
Podcast: Legal Talk Network: Accessing Mental Health Help For Law Students
Links to Online Articles:
Why I separate my law school life and my home life
Law schools should take on students’ mental health and substance use from day one
ABA Resources for Wellness & Well-Being During Bar Exam Prep
ABA: 4 Things to Do if You Fail The Bar Exam
ABA: How to Get Enough Sleep
NJLAP’s Law Student Edition of “Balance” – 2021
Mental Health & Substance Abuse Toolkit
5 Tips to Improve Your Job Search as a 3L
ABA’s Law Student Resources