Networkers Without Borders

Are you a New Jersey Lawyer, Judge, Paralegal or other professional in career transition or thinking about a change?

An illustration of rainbow-colored peg people with lines showing they are connected to each other.NJLAP hosts a special networking group where the goal is not only providing you with help and advice, but enlisting your help and advice for other group members. out core beliefs are that networking:

  •  is the process of building and maintaining relationships; forging bonds and sharing
  •  is the establishment of multiple, informal, mutual support alliances
  •  is connecting with people who have common interests and objectives and generously give to one another.

We don’t provide job postings or leads. We do provide a safe, respectful, encouraging, hopeful and fun environment in which you can gain skills, insights and direction from other talented and self-aware professionals to assist you in your transition.

We may not be what you’re expecting, but we may be exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Networkers Without Borders Meetings Are Currently Suspended. If this group resumes meetings, we will make an announcement.
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